With four generations of experience in farming, banking, accounting, and water, we can tackle your challenges from a variety of critical viewpoints to prescribe a thoughtful, comprehensive solution tailored to your specific needs. We are here to help:
Distressed Farmland
Lenders and courtship receivers often call on us to evaluate troubled loans and AG bankruptcies to make recommendations on how to best proceed. We are a trusted and objective third party when evaluating all aspects of distressed properties and operations.
New Capital
Through our extensive network of farmland lenders and investors, we can act as either a part of restructuring, an exit strategy, or generational transfer to bring access to different types of capital to our clients. We have the connections when the time is appropriate.

Our roots take us to the development of the California State water project (the California Aqueduct). We know that water is the life blood of a good farm investment. We understand water availability and water use is more complicated than just checking water rights. We evaluate water rights, irrigation districts, delivery history, crops to be grown, as well as irrigation well and delivery system efficiencies, quality and quantity of the water available, and the suitability of the farm. This is becoming increasingly complex by the day, especially with SGMA (the California Sustainable Ground Water Management Act).
Farm Management and Leasing Assistance
Although we routinely manage farms and negotiate leases for our clients, we occasionally assist others with questions in these areas. Our broad experience helps us understand what key elements of farm management and lease agreements are most important for a particular farm.