Everything we do—farm management, consulting, and acquisitions—starts and ends with due diligence. With four generations of knowledge, we can quickly make decisions while evaluating your risks, returns, and resources. We do the due diligence that is due to you.
We will quickly and efficiently underwrite your agricultural investments from an operational, financial, risk management, and water prospecting perspective, while leveraging our partners to do in-depth IT, human resources, project management, and GIS services; all along aligning with preferred vendors to make sure your investment is operated in the most economical and efficient manner to drive returns to your bottom line.
We take a methodical approach to due diligence, that includes but is not limited to--

Coordinating, verifying, and summarizing accurate legal descriptions with respect to Deeds, Title Reports, Assessor’s records, and Surveys, if requested.
Coordinating, reviewing, and summarizing environmental and biological studies
Coordinating, reviewing, and summarizing local and regional real estate values, including formal appraisals, if requested
Documenting, analyzing, and summarizing the condition of land, labor, and capital resources, on or benefiting the Property
Identifying, verifying, analyzing, and summarizing all depreciable assets for insurance and tax depreciation scheduling
Analyzing and summarizing current leases based on area economics and current market trends
Analyzing and summarizing adjoining property ownership and uses
Documenting and summarizing water
Coordinating, analyzing, and summarizing soil types and classifications on the property with projections for crop yields or carrying capacities, including soil profile and fertility tests, if requested
Analyzing and summarizing participation in and compliance with applicable government programs
Coordinating, analyzing, and summarizing the USDA’s Farm Service Agency’s and Natural Resource Conservation District programs in detail
GIS mapping of the property covering all resource classes and ownership
Preparing pro forma cash flow budgets for the property